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Stuff to Love

24 sHoP’n Days:cIn{e}.LL[i]

The Art and Design of the Bicycle
by Morano, Lodovico Pignatti
Recently released October 2012

Overstock $32.95
Amazon: $34.65

Cinelli is to the deep mystique of Italian cycling tradition as Nitto is to the fetish of the Keirin anchored in Japanese culture and when you think of iconic cycling institutions Campagnolo instantly comes to mind and not far behind follows the rich styling of Cinelli who has successfully maintained a vibrant profile in the traditional circles of competitive cycling and has also found an enthusiastic market/audience in the fix-gear crowd.

Their presence is not overplayed by a hyper-corporate necessity.

The book chronicles over 65 years of Cinelli’s evolvement of Cycling Culture.

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