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Ground Hog Day

*Other Pickup
Ride Distance
Monday Crow 6:00am Koi-SB 6:12 Seapoint. Easy Tempo 25
Tuesday Secret Training Opportunity
Wednesday Crow 6:00am Koi-SB 6:12 Seapoint. Brisk Tempo 25
Thursday Crow 6:00am Eldo 6:12 Golden West Loop 30
Thursday Crow 6:00am Eldo 6:18 Eldo Circle Jerks 30
Friday Crow 6:00am Koi-SB 6:12 Froghouse Paceline 30
Saturday Bean 7:00am 50-100
Sunday Bean 7:30am Coffee, LSD, Cruelty, etc. 42-100

*Other Pickup is the alternate meeting splot.

Thursday El Dorado ride will start when sunrise is at 6:15 – April 19th should be the first day back to the park.

Anticipate 6:15 sunrise on April 20, 2012 (according to

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