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Stuff to Love


The Sartorialist is a blog-site by a street photographer who’s tuned into the culture of  stylish dress, poetically expressed by day to day people on the street, random finds, whose reality of existence is beyond the pages of Vogue magazine. It’s inspirational and instills faith that the world is actually populated, in pockets, with slender beauty and authenticity.

The Sartorialist’s subjects mostly fall outside the F-Quotient (“F” as in “Fat”):  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported earlier this year; [US rates] 35.7 percent of adults and 16.9 percent of children age 2 to 19 are obese (@ epidemic proportions).

His images are exquisitely composed with beautifully saturated colors; the quality of the scaled reproductions included in this short survey does not do his work justice.


Specifically his shots of people on bikes:

muCHo gLOssY.AniMauX!


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