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Stuff to Love


Interbike is all cool and shit but it’s the after-parties that make it kick-ass. Ritte is demonstrating some good attitude and I ain’t gonna miss out on this: In Ritte’s own words: Every year at Interbike we throw a party that attracts the Cycling Industry’s bottom dwellers and red-headed stepchildren. Every year’s been better than [...]


I’m no Lance-Lover {or hater} but enough is enough.  The hard line of the USADA confuses me.  I’ve heard nothing that  justifies the attack.  {yeah, yeah; he said, she said, we’re heard those stories.} The U.S. judicial system tends to work well and the glory of the U.S. Constitution follows some fairly decent guidelines but [...]


Leonard [proprietor of Tri-Pacific on Naples in Long Beach] had a BMC trick’d out by the artist Paul Paiement.  I love the enthusiasm. Remember the Sotheby exhibit of Armstrong’s Treks jacked over by the likes of Shepard Fairey, Damien Hirst, Kaws, Yoshitomo Nara, Marc Newson and Kenny Scharf (?)  Visit a review of the Sotheby [...]


Frank Peters is a cycling advocate I thoroughly admire. His approach to the mission is all about safety and he understands and promotes the upside benefits to local business when a community embraces policies and builds infrastructure to increase the safety of cyclists on their streets. He lives in Corona del Mar and has been [...]


Bicycle advocacy comes down to one thing and one thing only: It’s about the safety stupid. Many issues stated by bicy.cling(on) advocates as their primary goals of advocacy befuddle the real objective; increase safety. People, in general, are naturally concerned about the environment, health and city planning concepts that strengthen a sense of community, but [...]


Fix gear riding may simply be a cultural fad but it has influenced the awareness of cycling, vis-à-vis the urban experience, in a bigger way than anything here(to)fore, and consequently has awakened a force of change, a different kind of cultural revolution, that will ultimately produce a confluence of ideals in pragmatic living with a [...]

Floor Pumps

The floor pump: an essential weapon in the arsenal of bicycle tool essentials. My first year in college, I remember my good buddy from high school {Toby} showed up for the Race of the Redwoods (Humboldt County, CA circa 1975) and unloaded his steed and the rest of the support jibber jabber from his car; [...]


Wolfpack Hustle put on the Downtown Los Angeles 2nd St. Tunnel Drag Races on Saturday July 28th.  It was super crack’n with over 2000 spectators. 200 competitors went two up, standing start sprints, 1000 feet, single speed and fix gear only, then the top 16 did drag heats to determine the winner: Tim/Smiley McGee I [...]


Rapha’s clothing details are impeccable, the colors are well suited to current sensibilities, the craftsmanship is of the highest quality, however, brand names prominently displayed and big brand tags bug me.  Bike shop kits make sense; the shop name and logos boast one’s community connections.  One cannot have a visceral connection to Rapha itself; it’s [...]


Rapha does marketing extremely well but their emphasis on splattering their clothing with the brand is in danger of making the brand the product.   When product design is exceptional and a line of product is deep and relevant to customers’ needs  {& Rapha does both of those things well} you don’t need to bludgeon the [...]