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Archive for 'Carbon Footprint'


Bicycle advocacy comes down to one thing and one thing only: It’s about the safety stupid. Many issues stated by bicy.cling(on) advocates as their primary goals of advocacy befuddle the real objective; increase safety. People, in general, are naturally concerned about the environment, health and city planning concepts that strengthen a sense of community, but [...]·bOn.di·oX·ide.FoOt·PRint:pArT-oNE

(ˈyȯr/ˈkärbən/di’äksid/ˈfu̇t-print/) This is your carbon footprint. If everyone suddenly stopped driving we’d reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 10% (there’s a balance that also gets shifted around but we’ll ignore that for this argument). Consider that CO2 contribution next time you get in your car. Huh? 10%  – How many drivers need to be converted [...]