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Archive for 'Advocacy'

s{i}GH.T[e]D: Commuter

Sighted in Long Beach on my ride home from the shop [Lucy & Chano]:   Mr. H. Steiner, from Germany, rolls his folding bike to the bus stop on Bellflower for a little multi-modal commuting.  He thinks American motorists are too impatient.  He says “…it’s telling.” The Revolution will not be Motorized. AniMaUx   window.fbAsyncInit = [...]


California Senate Bill 910 would have required automobiles to pass bicyclists with a margin of collision no less than 3 feet.  Jerry Brown veto’d the bill. According to the proposed law, if a vehicle could not pass with a 3 foot margin of collision, the motorist must slow to at least 15 mph.  It’s this [...]


World Expo 2010 was hosted in Shanghai China:  an event designed to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century. Fifty-five percent of the world’s population lives in cities/urban environments. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns all nations, developed or less developed, and their people. Being [...]

CicLAvia.April.10th.2011:Los Angeles

Los Angeles’ second CicLAvia will be Sunday April 10th 2011 from 10am-3pm. Los Angeles closes a number of streets so crowds of riders can pedal their bikes around the city free of car traffic. For more information visit the CicLAvia Wedsite. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: “364015433630063″, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var [...]


Not a single Freddie took me up on the invitation to be a part of this epic bike/music event.  The kids and I packed the bikes, drove to the west side and joined in the event.  The ride started at Media Park in Culver City on Venice Blvd.‘s monthly ride was an experience to [...]


My training journal tells me I rode over 1500 miles in 2010 doing short errands by bicycle.  According to the League of American Cyclists: There are more people riding bikes than ever. Yet half of all U.S. trips are three miles or less, and more than 90 percent are made by car. The National Bike [...]


Toronto cycling enthusiast and blogger Tom Polarbear was pedaling around town this week when an “older woman” approached him and handed him an envelope reading simply, “Thank you.” Polarbear says he didn’t think much of it—”I thought it might be a flyer or something”—until he passed another cyclist, who held up his envelope from the [...]


The conversation is bubbling.  Read this article about cycling in New York City (The City’s Misunderstood Cyclists) published in the Wall Street Journal (March 4, 2011) An Excerpt: Outside of this city—and many places inside the city—it’s still very risky to ride a bike. Cyclists remain afterthoughts in the planning process. Parents don’t dream of [...]