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New Year’s Day Ride 2013 [29th Annual]: Round-trip Long Beach to San Juan Capistrano.  The ride gets bigger and bigger every year. Prospero aÑo AniMauX! window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: “364015433630063″, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement(“script”); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + “//”; document.getElementById(“fb-root”).appendChild(e); }());


New Year’s Day Ride: Long Beach to San Juan Capistrano and back:  29th Annual. 350-400 Riders.  Thank you Fluff-Daddy for the iPhone video. [~29.5mph]   window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: “364015433630063″, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement(“script”); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + “//”; document.getElementById(“fb-root”).appendChild(e); }());


My son Henry’s 1st build; pākē frame-set. Oops! Ohh well.  When I said “30 yrs from now you’ll more fondly remember it as the night your father put the first paint ding in your new frame rather than it being a perfect build,“  he smiled.  He understands the anxiety of the first blemish is behind [...]


It’s SECOND  annual Jingle Bell Ride. On Friday, 12-21-2011, we’ll ride up the L.A. River trail from the mighty Tortuga’s Long Beach Cyclery in Bixby Knolls (Long Beach Blvd and Bixby) to 3rd and Traction in the Arts District in Downtown Los Angeles for lunch at the Wurstküche.  Depart 9:30 am [sharp]. It’s the annual [...]


There’s a tightly woven lattice of coincidence on the web and GSC (Golden Saddle Cyclery) appears to be one of the major nodules on the grid. After becoming familiar with the shop (through the Internet), and all the events and personalities that originate from or in close proximity to GSC, I knew it was time [...]


Leaving the house without a (snot rag / brow wipe) is unforgivable; oN or oFf the bike!  The Handkerchief is an absolute essential on long rides.  To maintain proper etiquette you need a decent rag to carry in your pocket.  Now’s the time.  My favorite clothier (and I don’t even own any of their stuff; [...]

15.shOpPiNg.daYz:{x}mAs makes cloths for “Tailored Performance.” Originally I discovered Outlier’s pants and shirts tailored specifically for city riding and they continue to extend their selection of items for active living.  Outlier has no compulsion to brand their merchandise with anything other than impeccable styling; I haven’t seen a logo on a single item they produce.  [...]


16 shopping days til Xmas. Freitag: European truck tarps made into messenger bags; each one unique; many different sizes and models.  Jack’d out coool shit.  It’s a Bro-Bag phenom.  You gotta order online; there is barely any distribution [to speak of] in the U.S.  Order by Dec 12 to get delivery in time for [...]

24 sHoP’n Days:cIn{e}.LL[i]

Cinelli The Art and Design of the Bicycle by Morano, Lodovico Pignatti Recently released October 2012 Overstock $32.95 Amazon: $34.65 Cinelli is to the deep mystique of Italian cycling tradition as Nitto is to the fetish of the Keirin anchored in Japanese culture and when you think of iconic cycling institutions Campagnolo instantly comes to [...]


This is a great gi(F)t iDeA!  Buy one for your own XmAZ stoCk(ing).  [27] days until the fat man rides into town. This is the time of year when you really want to know the temperature during those early morning rides.  Sometimes it fluctuates on certain parts of the ride and it’s surprising.  Now you [...]