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As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know.
~Donald Rumsfeld, United States Secretary of Defense, 2003

s{i}GH.T[e]D: Commuter

Sighted in Long Beach on my ride home from the shop [Lucy & Chano]:   Mr. H. Steiner, from Germany, rolls his folding bike to the bus stop on Bellflower for a little multi-modal commuting.  He thinks American motorists are too impatient.  He says “…it’s telling.”

The Revolution will not be Motorized.



eLe{va}T[ioN] (J)oT.MaPs

JoT [Journal of Training] maps now has elevation graphs.

Cool shit.  I finally found the time to integrate Google’s new Visualization API and elevation data.  The map below outlines YonderJournal’s Brovet from Los Angeles to Gorman starting at the GoldSaddleCyclery near Silverlake.

If you’d like to join me for the ride: Sunday May19 (send an email for information about departure time etc.)

To view the map:

The markers on the map indicate the control points you must attend to get the prize patch {more cool shit}.


Redhook Crit : Look at the number of people attending the podium event!

This is what racing is all about! 

David Tremble has taken racing back to the where it started and where it belongs; at the pinnacle of excitement.  The event started as a completely underground, unsanctioned event which brought an immediate appeal to the rogue nature of bike racing; the appeal, the attraction and the excitement resonates big in the cycling community.  These events draw licensed, unlicensed and professional riders from around the world.  Both USAC & UCI, I’m sure are taking notice.

D.Tremble: pure genius.  AniMauX qUe ToDo!

Follow on Instrgram @redhookcrit [1897 followers and growing]
Hastags: #redhookcrit … etc.

In[ST](a)Gram Obsession

CogJoinT would like to take a moment and apologize to its 3 readers for the lapse in posts due to a distraction with Instagram.

Follow CogJoint: @cogjoint  [the 20 latest Instagram posts are displayed on the right below the Sites & Stuff "To Love" ]

L’Eroica Americana

The Almanzo 100 and the Royal 162: 100 and 162 mile gravel road excursions in South Eastern Minnesota.  Something like an Italian Eroica in the U.S. but it’s a race [400+ riders in the 100]:  May 18.  Who’s In?




New shop (about 5 months) in Long Beach: 970 E Broadway.

The owner, Trey Russell, has donated 17 bikes to Danny Gamboa’s Ghost Bike program since August 2012.

Danny Gamboa:

Muy Muertos AniMauX.


rIDgE.RouTe: LAtTicE.o’cOinCidEnCe

Sunday’s article in the LA Times inspired an adventure ride along the Old Ridge Route from Lake Castiac to Gorman and maybe even beyond to Bakersfield on a network of dirt roads winding along the east side of Interstate 5 down to the valley floor.  Plans were spinning in the brain.

After Sunday’s article I discovered (through Instaram) a new endeavor: and their Brovet.

The guys at Yonder are promoting their own style of Randonnuering:  “Inspired by Randonnuering as well as our love of maps, cue-sheets, history, colloquial nuance, self-reliance to the point of absurdity, cycling from A-to-B, corn-dogging, regional vernacular and riding through the day into the night (and maybe back into the day), Brovet is a Guide Book to American Permanents (predetermined routes/rides), the completion of which results in a route-specific patch.”

Visit their website for the cue sheet: OldRidgeRoad

The Brovet starts and ends at Golden Saddle Cyclery (Hyperion District) in Los Angeles.  Round trip: 125 miles.  It’s not a scheduled adventure; plan your own tripin’ation.

We’re planning on doing the ride Friday March 1 or Saturday March 2.  Stay in touch for a date confirmation.

The Brovet pamphlets will be available soon from or you can pick one up at the bike shop: Golden Saddle Cyclery.  I was told I’ve ordered the very first one.

What’s so remarkable about all of this is simply the scale of coincidence: The Lattice of Coincidence

It’s time for AniMaUx!

rIDgE.RouTe: Adventure oPPorTuniTy

Sunday Edition of the LA Times (California section 01-13-2013) featured an article about the Old Ridge Route that parallels Interstate 5 (Hwy 99) from Castaic Lake to Fort Tejon, closed to automobile traffic.  Perfect opportunity for a ride in Angeles Crest.

36 miles from the start of Old Ridge Road to the Chevron Station at Gorman.  From Gorman to Bakersfield (about 48 miles) is tricky business; not much paved road until you hit the valley floor.

Old Ridge Road starts at Parker Road off  Interstate 5 near Castaic Lake.

Who’s in for the adventure??





Celo Europa (CE) has had many incarnations.  At one time [in the 80s] CE  was located in Corona Del Mar on PCH just south of MacArthur.  That CE store has long disappeared.  The owner, Marcel, liked to tell visitors his bikes were built for him by Colnago.  Marcel is a showman with a deep passion for all things cycling.

You can find this vintage CE Pista [54cm] at Kings Bike Store in Seal Beach [] (until it’s sold).

Muy PisTa AniMaUx!


Lights can overflow the brim of the box o’Lights [the supply bin] in the garage but it’s like talking to the walls trying to get the chill’Ren to take lights when they thinks they;s mIgHT be home after 0-DarK-30.  Night-Rider 650(bottom center) is a great light for after dark or before sunrise; easily recharges and lasts about 3 hours.  Bike-Planet’s rear red blinker (upper right) will induce epileptic fits (~$30.00). Leyzne round blinkers(center white and red lower right) are very effective and easy to attach.  Don’t go out without  light(S).